Colours of heaven
Sometimes people think of would happen
When we finally go to heaven
Some think heavenly father will hold out his hand
When we die and leave our dear home and land
Others think that we'll be lost
And our soul will pay the cost
I once heard somebody say
''Nobody is gonna pay.
We'll be freed
And our souls will fly
Through the diamonds of the sky.''
''There is no need
To believe!''
That's what they say constantly
They only see what is today
And never take some time to pray
''What we did is in the past
What we'll do will never last.''
People think we'll be reborn
To fix the bad things we've done
''But thinking that we'll get a chance
And that we can correct the past
Will serve the devil.''
People say
Life is not a game to play
A success doesn't lead to the next level
Society argues and fights
About who is wrong and who is right
What's it for?
Will it help?
It won't.
But I can the beauty of imagination
That fills up every earthly nation
I see the belief
I see the colors
We all can see
The colors of death
The colors of heaven.